




 一.句子的模仿 模仿成文法要求学生从句子的仿写入手。通过对一些优美语句的模仿

 而扩大所能掌握的句式。例如:Many peopleare strongly against space research, because they think it is an extravagantand wasteful practice for developing countries.(许多人强烈反对太空探索,因为他们认为对于发展中国家而言,这是个奢侈和浪费的做法。)本句是用于关于人们对太空探索的意见的反对观点中。英语学习者可模仿造句,将本句用于任何观点类型的作文中。譬如:关于政府是否该进行艺术资助的作文,我们可仿造上句,写出:Many people are strongly against art funding, because they think itis an extravagant and wasteful practice for developing countries. 关于网上冲浪的作文,我们可以造句:Many people are strongly against net surfing, because they think itis an extravagant and time-consuming practice for the students. 观点类型的句子可以模仿,论据类型的句子也可做类似的改变,在学习句型的基础上还增加了作文的论据。例如:Thedevelopment of tourism creates many job opportunities and great amounts offoreign currency as well.(旅游业的发展给我们创造了许多就业机会,带来了大量外汇。)此句是为支持旅游业的发展提供有利论据的,我们可以仿造它为其他数题提供相似的论证。如:奥运会的举办或国际体育赛事的 举 行 的 题 目 , Hosting the Olympic Games creates many job opportunities and greatamounts of foreign currency as well. 基础差的学生在进行模仿句子的练习的初始阶段应该尽量保持句子的整体结构,仅对句子的某些成分作微调,这样可以少犯错误。如上例中:

 Many people are strongly against space research, becausethey

 think it is an extravagant and wasteful practice for developing countries.(许多人强烈反对太空探索,因为他们认为对于发展中国家而言,这是个奢侈和浪费的做法。)我们将它改写成:Many people are strongly against art funding, because theythink it is an extravagant and wasteful practice for developing countries.全句仅改动一个名词词组,这样可以保证句子结构以及句法的准确性。晋级阶段,可多改动句子,甚至将数个句子进行合并。如:我们可对下列两句进行合并,1. Students should be taught to refrain themselves from chattingonline because their sole task is study. 2. We should do away with some badhabits and take part in some rewarding activities. 改成:Weshould refrain ourselves from indulging in the dangerous sports and take partin some rewarding activities. 不同英语程度的学习者应根据自己的现实水平,选择比自己程度稍高一筹的句子进行模仿改写,以提高自己的造句水平。

 二.段落的模仿 笔者在教学过程中发现许多学生在写句子时尚能游刃有余,但到了段落这关,就一筹莫展拉。原因在于中英文的段落书写有较大的差异,英语学习者往往受到母语负迁移的影响,无法写出符合英语思维习惯的段落。笔者的建议是选择适当的段落进行仿写,熟悉英文段落写作的特色,并逐渐掌握英文的逻辑思维。



 开头段例 1:Some people are critical ofkeeping pets such as cats and dogs in cities, claiming that there are simplynot enough spaces for them to roam freely. They also argue that pets polluteliving enironments. However, I am of the opinion that owning pets is rewardingto city dwellers.此段是关于城市内是否可养宠物一题的开头段。我们对它进行如下改写,使其可适用于是否该限制城市居民购买私家车的作文题。Some people are critical of citizens’ purchasing private carsin cities, claiming that there are simply not enough spaces for them to parkfreely. They also argue that cars pollute living enironments. However, Iam of the opinion that owning private cars is rewarding to citydwellers. 开头段例 2:We hear a lot about thenegative effects of television on the viewer. Obviously, television can beharmful if it is watched constantly to the exclusion of other activities.However, when television is watched in moderation, it is extremely valuable, asit provides relaxation, entertainment and education. 此段是关于电视是好是坏一题的开头段。我们对它进行如下改写,使其可适用于电脑是好是坏的作文题。Wehear a lot about the negative effects of the Internet on the students.Obviously, the Internet can be harmful if it is logged onconstantly to the exclusion of other activities. However, when the Internetis used in moderation, it is extremely valuable, as it

 providesrelaxation, entertainment and education. 上述两个例子仅对段落进行微调(只改动数个单词),将讨论的主体进行简单的替换,甚至保留了段落中所使用的论据,便成为我们所需要的开头段,实是简易。当然,我们也可以只套用段落的结构而采用自己的观点,论据。

 例如:开头段例1 我们亦可以进行较大的改动。Some people are critical of regardingjounrnalists as loyal reporters, claiming that there is just too muchfalse information fabricated by them. They also argue that quite a fewjournalists just distort the truth for their own profit. However, I am ofthe opinion that we should trust them for our own sake.此番改写只是保留了段落的框架而完全改变了所使用的论据,观点。

 三.篇章的模仿 篇章是英语写作者的终极目标。科技论文,作文。作为一种线性思维的文字,英文与中文,螺旋式上升的文字以及逻辑思维有很大的差别。许多中国学生写出了英文的文章,虽无语法错误,但总觉别扭,不够地道;还是出于思维上的差异。因此,学习者在学习写作的过程中应当多注意思路上的调整。科技论文,作文。模仿习作无疑是一条捷径。笔者所教授的学生写作水平的提高无疑是很好的验证。

 例:Television – A Blessing or A Curse? The discussion about whether or not television is beneficial tohumans is a very controversial one. There are people on both sides of theargument who have very strong feelings. According to a survey conducted latelyby

 the 纳提哦拿了嗲 office,55 percent of the people are in favor of the advent of newtechnology; others, however, claim that television has brought some negativeeffects on people’s life. Before rendering my position, I think it is essentialto explore both sides of the hot-button issue. Advocates of television contend that television not onlyprovides people a vivid world but also keeps us well-informed of theinformation worldwide in all fields. It is deemed as one of the mostconvenient, economical and efficient means of communications. In addition,watching television is a very economical way of entertainment, which offers usall sorts of entertaining programs, for instance, soap operas, thrillers,concerts, cartoons and the like. For needy families watching television is theonly choice for them to relax. Furthermore, it is an excellent place to studyEnglish and experience diverse cultures.

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