
  听 听 力 部 分 分

 I. Listen and circle.

 ( ( 听录音, 圈 出 与所听单词含有相同音素 的单词。


  1. right


 2. sea

  breath 3. cow


 4. wash

  watch 5. this

 math II. Listen and choose. ( 听录音,选出所听到的短语或句子。)


 ) 1. A. turn left

 B. turn right (

 ) 2. A. go to the cinema

 B. go to the supermarket


 ) 3. A. see a doctor

 B. see a film


 ) 4. A. Where are you going?

 B. When are you going?


 ) 5. A. Where does he work?

 B. How does he go to work? III. Listen and number. ( 听录音,按听到的顺序给下列图片排序。)










 ) IV .

 Listen and tick. (听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片,在图片下面打“√”。)


























 V. Listen and choose. (听录音,选择正确的答句。)


 ) 1. A. It’s in front of our school.

  B. Yes, there is. (

 ) 2. A. I’m going to the park.

 B. Next Wednesday. (

 ) 3. A. Yes, she does.

 B. Yes, she is. (

 ) 4. A. She’s a factory worker.

  B. She works in a factory. (

 ) 5. A. You should see a doctor.

  B. You should do more exercise.

 VI. Listen and choose. ( 听录音, 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

 。) (

 ) 1. Susan is from


 A. China

  B. the USA

 C. the UK (

 ) 2. Susan’s parents are coming to China

 . A. next weekend

  B. next Friday

  C. next Tuesday (

 ) 3. They are going to Beijing

 . A. by plane

  B. by train

 C. by ship (

 ) 4. It’s

 in Beijing. A. windy

  B. snowy

  C. rainy (

 ) 5. Susan is going to

 in Beijing. A. skate

 B. swim

 C. make a snowman

 笔 笔 试 部 分 VII. Look, choose and write. ( 看图,选择相应的单词 或短语 补全句子,注意书写规范。)

 1. My uncle is very strong, he’s a


  2. There is a new ____________________near here.

  3. My pen pal doesn’t

 on the weekend.

 4. Please

 first, then turn left.

  5. My mother looks so


 go straight, crossing, bookstore, do word puzzles, angry, study Chinese,

 coach 济南市营东小学 2017 7- - 2018 学年第一学期六年级英语期末质量检测(50 分钟)






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 绩 I







 总 分

  VIII. Read and choose. ( 读一读,在 B 栏中选出 A 栏每个句子的答语。)


  B (

 ) 1.What’s wrong?

  A. Yes, he does. (

 ) 2.What are your hobbies?

 B. I feel ill. (

 ) 3.How can we get to the post office?

 C. She’s going to the UK. (

 ) 4. Where is she going?

  D. I like singing and dancing. (

 ) 5. Does he like doing kung fu?

  E. Turn right at the school. IX. Read and choose. ( 读一读,选择正确的答案。)


 ) 1. My aunt works at


 A. a

 B. an

 C. the (

 ) 2. –Where’s the park?


  our school.

 A. next

  B. next to

  C. near to


 ) 3. -

  are they going there?

  –Next Monday. A.


 B. When

  C. Where (

 ) 4. We are going to see a film_______ space travel. A. about

 B. at

 C. with


 ) 5.Sometimes Zhang Peng and his friends

  in the library.

 A. read

 B. reads

 C. reading (

 ) 6.You should

 if you feel cold.

 A. wear warm clothes

 B. do more exercise

  C. play computer games (

 ) 7.The fisherman likes

 TV in the evening. A. watch

  B. watches

 C. watching (

 ) 8. Amy’s mother ______ in Australia.

  A don’t live

  B. live

  C doesn’t live (

 ) 9. -

  she often


 -No, she doesn’t.

 A. Does, study

  B. Does, studies

 C. Is, study (

 ) 10. People usually eat the moon cakes on


 A. New Year’ Day

 B. Mid- Autumn Day

 C. Children’s Day X. Read and find. ( 读一读,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。)

 Liu Yun: Hi, Sam. How are you? __________ Sam: I failed(失败)the math test. Liu Yun: _________. Study hard. I’m sure you can do

 better next time. Sam: Thank you. I hear you’re going on a trip. __________ Liu Yun: I’m going to visit Beijing, the capital(首都)

 of China. Sam: Oh, great! __________

 Liu Yun: This winter holiday. Sam: __________ XI. Look and write. ( 读一读,根据汉语提示完成句子。)

  1. 黄灯亮,请慢下来。

 Please ____________

  _____________ at a yellow light.

  2. 今晚我想买张明信片。

 I want to buy a ______________


 tonight. 3. 那是位商人,他看起来在发愁。

 He is a ______________

 . He looks ________________ .

 4. 请数到十。

 Please ________________ to ________________ . 5. 我通常走路去上学。

 I usually go to school ________________

  ________________ . XII. Read, choose and write. (阅读短文,选出所给单词的正确形式,并写在横线上。)

 Hello! I’m Oliver. I have a new pen pal.

 ____________ (She’s / Her) name is Amy.She likes reading ___________ (story / stories) very much. She likes animals,but she’s afraid _________

 (of / with) the cats. On the weekend, she often _________ (do / does) housework at home. Tomorrow is Sunday, we_____ __ _ __ __ _ ___(play / are going to play) tennis together. We’ll have a good time. XIII . Reading. ( 读一读,完成下列题目。) 1. Read and tick or cross. ( 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正误。正确的打“ √” ,错误的打“×” 。


  I’m Sarah. I live in a big city. Usually my father goes to work by car. He likes driving, but he doesn’t like driving to work. Why is that? Because it takes too much time. There is always a lot of traffic. He goes home very late every day. And he is very tired. He doesn’t like playing with me after work. Today, he is happy. He says, “There is going to be a subway station near our home! I am going to work by subway next year. It is fast. I can read newspapers on the subway. I can A. Have a nice trip. B. Don’t worry.

 C. Where are you going?

  D. When are you going? E. You look sad.


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  listen to music, too!” My mum says, “Then you can come back early and cook the meals.” I say, “ You can play with me after work.” (

 ) 1. Sarah’s father goes to work by subway. (

 ) 2. Sarah’s father likes driving. (

 ) 3. Sarah’s father goes home very late every day. (

 ) 4. Sarah’s father often plays with Sarah after work. (

 ) 5. Sarah’s father usually cooks the meals at home after work. 2. Read and choose. (阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。)

  In the morning, Mr. Smith comes into the garden. He sees so much snow in his garden. Mr. Smith wants to take his car out, so he asks his son to clean the road from his garden to the gate. He says to his son, “Don’t put any snow on the side, or it will damage the flowers in my garden; and don’t throw any snow on the other side or it will damage the wall. And don’t throw any snow on the street, or the policeman will come.” Then Mr. Smith goes out for morning exercises.

 When he comes back, the path is clean. There is no snow on the flowers, there is no snow on the wall, and there is no snow in the street. Mr. Smith is very happy. But when he opens the garage (车库)to get his car out, he is surprised and angry, the garage is full of snow, and his car is just under the snow! (

 ) 1. Mr. Smith sees a lot of

 in his garden. A. water

  B. cars

  C. snow


 ) 2. Mr. Smith asks his son to clean the snow because______.

  A. there is so much water in his garden

 B. the snow will damage his flowers

 C. he wants to get his car out of the garage (

 ) 3. 根据上下文推测,短文中的单词 damage 的意思是_______.

  A. 清除

  B. 毁坏

  C. 挪走


 ) 4. Mr. Smith is angry because________.

  A. there is so much snow in his garage

  B. there is so much snow in the street

  C. there is so much snow on the wall (

 ) 5. Mr. Smith’s son put all the snow ______.

 A. in the street

 B. on the wall

 C. in his garage

  XIV. Writing. ( 写一写。)

  愉快的周末马上就要到了,你的周末计划是怎样的?请以“My weekend plan”为题写一篇小文章,介绍一下自己的周末计划。(50 个单词左右)


 济南市营东小学 2017 7- - 2018 学年第一学期六年级英语期末质量检测(50 分钟)






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